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194 Videos

Future Tech 2019: Carl in ‘t Veld – Introducing Azure Durable Functions for serverless .NET orchestrations

Maybe you were assuming Azure Functions are purely stateless and short-lived. Guess again! Enter Durable Functions, a new open-source extension to Azure Functions that enables long running orchestrations and stateful processes to execute as serverless functions. In this session you will learn how to write durable functions, and patterns and practices to write simple or complex […]

Future Tech 2019: Dave Smits – MR meets AI

De Hololens maakt hele nieuwe ervaringen mogelijk die eerst niet mogelijk waren. Ondertussen neemt ook AI een vlucht en worden apps steeds slimmer. Wanneer je deze twee combineert krijg een hele krachtige combinatie. In deze sessie kijken we naar de mogelijkheden die deze combinatie maakt, en niet alleen naar wat er mogelijk is maar ook […]

Future Tech 2019: Eduardo Leegwater Simões – Self Sovereign Identity

Identity models on the internet have come a long way since usernames and passwords. In this session I give an overview of how these models have advanced, and what problems they tackled at the time, using them as a springing board to discuss a new model – Self-Sovereign Identity – focusing on privacy and complete […]

Future Tech 2019: Eldert Grootenboer – Solidifying industrial IoT with Azure IoT Hub

In this session we will dive into IoT Hub and how we can use it to incorporate our devices. We will go into the management, device to cloud and cloud to device capabilities of IoT Hub, as well as see how we can use Dynamics 365 extend on this. Using Connected Field Services we can […]

Future Tech 2019: Geert van der Cruijsen – Chaos Engineering: The fine art of breaking stuff in production

Traditional monitoring solutions are dead. In the microservices and distributed systems era your complex landscape is never 100% up. If built well this shouldn’t matter. But how do you test it? There is really only 1 place to test high availability, fail saves, and other solutions that you implement to keep your system up and […]

Future Tech 2019: Gian Paolo Santopaolo – AI for every developer

Artificial Intelligence is changing everything from how we live to how we work and even how we think. It is transforming our lives. As a developer, you should be part of it. And this is the right place where to start with a deep overview of what AI (Artificial Intelligence) /ML (Machine Learning) /DL (Deep […]

Future Tech 2019: Håkan Silfvernagel – Affective Computing – What is it and why should I care?

Research have shown that emotions play an integral role in decision making, cognition, perception, learning and more. If we want our computers to be intelligent and be able to interact with us we need to ensure that they are able to recognize, understand and express emotions. This is the basic assumption of the field of […]

Future Tech 2019: Henk Boelman – Getting started with Azure Machine Learning services

With machine learning becoming more and more an engineering problem the need to track, work together and easily deploy ML experiments with integrated CI/CD tooling is becoming more relevant then ever. In this session we take a deep-dive into Azure Machine Learning service, a cloud service that you can use to track as you build, […]

Future Tech 2019: James Ashely – DIY Deep Fakes

Deep neural networks provide new and better ways to perform useful tasks like face recognition and search optimization. But they can also be used to do unexpected – and even unwanted — things like photoshopping full videos, placing one person’s face on another person’s body. In this presentation, I will walk you through the technology […]

Future Tech 2019: James Ashley – Deep Dive into Magic Leap, HoloLens and MR’s Future

Strap yourselves in for a thorough exploration into the technical, business and historical impact of mixed reality focusing on the Microsoft HoloLens and the Magic Leap One. In this talk, I will provide an in-depth analysis of the differences and similarities between HoloLens v1 and Magic Leap One, as well as any publicly mentionable info […]