TEQnation 2021 – Timothy Mamo – I know buzzwords!

Ensuring you stay relevant in this fast paced industry means you need to adopt fast and implement $BUZZWORD. You’ve been told that this is the new technology everyone is using, everyone is talking about it, and it’s of vital importance that your company uses it no matter the cost. This will ensure that you keep trendy, you’re the company everyone wants to work with/for and you have the latest and greatest product. In this session I’ll be looking, with a slightly cynical view, at how companies, managers, and developers look at moving trends. How they implement technologies and concepts without truly understanding their needs, their wants, and the effect it has on engineers. I’ll attempt to persuade you that you really don’t need to implement and focus on $BUZZWORDs to move forward but instead there is a more impactful alternative.

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