J-Fall 2022: Bonnie Nti – Using Data Orchestration for speed, reliability and real-time content

Having multiple subsystems that hold data might seem like a great way to divide responsibility and an easy way to maintain data. It does make it difficult to expose the data to a single entity such as a website. It is even more difficult to expose said data to multiple websites owned by different entities. But what if we can take this one step further where, instead of fetching data from multiple disparate systems we fetch from a single system by introducing an extra layer between the websites and sub-systems. At RGN-IT we rely on home made java applications to collect,prepare, transform and sync data to achieve fast,reliable and near real-time content on all our websites. In this session, we will show you how we built these java applications and our plans to improve them. Key words: Data Orchestration, Java, Rest, Elastic search

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