Future Tech 2019

26 Videos

Future Tech 2019: Saskia Groenewegen – VR/AR – the new reality for training & performing

Imagine you have to maintain a hundred different technical systems and only three people to do so. Imagine you are working on location, but the data you need is in the back end system at your office. Imagine you work with patients with special needs that you want to transport to new environments for therapy. […]

Future Tech 2019: Rick van den Bosch – Securing an Azure Function REST API with Azure Active Directory

This session will show you how to secure your Azure Functions powered REST API using Azure Active Directory, and how to consume this API from an Angular front-end. Bio Rick van den Bosch I’m a Cloud Solutions Architect who has been working with Microsoft Azure since its very first introduction. I have performed numerous Azure […]

Future Tech 2019: Sander Gerz – Solving real-world problems with distributed ledger technology

By now, it is apparent that distributed ledger technology, or DLT, is about far more than just Bitcoin. Across finance, healthcare, media, government and other sectors, innovative uses are appearing every day. However, since DLT is still not widely understood, it can be difficult to distinguish the valuable use cases of blockchains from the questionable […]

Future Tech 2019: Dave Smits – MR meets AI

De Hololens maakt hele nieuwe ervaringen mogelijk die eerst niet mogelijk waren. Ondertussen neemt ook AI een vlucht en worden apps steeds slimmer. Wanneer je deze twee combineert krijg een hele krachtige combinatie. In deze sessie kijken we naar de mogelijkheden die deze combinatie maakt, en niet alleen naar wat er mogelijk is maar ook […]

Future Tech 2019: Sander Duivestein – Synthetic

We’re all children of a post-modern civilisation, constantly wondering what is happening and what will be next. While technological opportunities keep presenting themselves with neck-breaking speed, we also witness the rise of new norms and values, it’s the beginning of a new normal. It is from these pieces – behaviour, values, technology – that we synthesise […]

Future Tech 2019: HÃ¥kan Silfvernagel – Affective Computing – What is it and why should I care?

Research have shown that emotions play an integral role in decision making, cognition, perception, learning and more. If we want our computers to be intelligent and be able to interact with us we need to ensure that they are able to recognize, understand and express emotions. This is the basic assumption of the field of […]

Future Tech 2019: Roelant Dieben – Rub a little AI on it

Whether it was Voltaire or “Uncle Ben” Parker who said it first, but with great power comes great responsibility. It seems almost everyone in marketing and product development is searching for ways to integrate artificial intelligence in any way possible, but is ‘rubbing some AI on it’ always the anwser and what problems can an […]

Future Tech 2019: Gian Paolo Santopaolo – AI for every developer

Artificial Intelligence is changing everything from how we live to how we work and even how we think. It is transforming our lives. As a developer, you should be part of it. And this is the right place where to start with a deep overview of what AI (Artificial Intelligence) /ML (Machine Learning) /DL (Deep […]

Future Tech 2019: Brenno de Winter – Resilience starts with code. Any attack starts with code

Bad code installed and smart exploits created. As soon as espionage or other APT’s are involved vague terms, lack of understanding and especially fear kick in. Common sense dictates other behavior. In this talk we focus on what we can do, what we should do and especially what you can do. Surviving digital xenophobia begins with replacing […]

Future Tech 2019: Martin Opdam – Dawn of the planet of artificial intelligence

Our sincere apologies for the atrocious sound quality the first half of the video. We hope you can still enjoy this amazing session by Martin Opdam. A high paced overview of everything you can come across when learning about artificial intelligence. It’s an interesting and entertaining talk for anyone with an interest in technology and […]