Future Tech

112 Videos

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Aftermovie Future Tech 2019

Future Tech was a huge succes with 600 future technology addicts! A big thank you to everyone who contributed in any way and of course to every visitor present! Were you not there? or do you want a recap of what Future Tech was like? Then take a look at this awesome aftermovie!

Future Tech 2019: Alessandro Vozza – Deploying scalable Machine Learning models with Kubernetes

Where data scientists meet DevOps: how to deploy, manage, train and serve Machine Learning models at scale in the cloud with popular open source tools like Kubeflow, on the most popular container orchestration and microservices: Kubernetes. Applying widespread concepts like continuous delivery and infrastructure as code, we will show how simple and streamlined it can […]

Future Tech 2019: Alex de Groot – Architecting for ML.NET & Cognitive Services

The world talks about Machine Learning & Cognitive Services, but you still have the same deliveries. Wouldn’t it be nice if you simply can drag ‘n drop these new capabilities when you have the real business case? During this talks I go in-depth on how to integrate all of these new capabilities into your carefully […]

Future Tech 2019: Brenno de Winter – Resilience starts with code. Any attack starts with code

Bad code installed and smart exploits created. As soon as espionage or other APT’s are involved vague terms, lack of understanding and especially fear kick in. Common sense dictates other behavior. In this talk we focus on what we can do, what we should do and especially what you can do. Surviving digital xenophobia begins with replacing […]

Future Tech 2019: Carl in ‘t Veld – Introducing Azure Durable Functions for serverless .NET orchestrations

Maybe you were assuming Azure Functions are purely stateless and short-lived. Guess again! Enter Durable Functions, a new open-source extension to Azure Functions that enables long running orchestrations and stateful processes to execute as serverless functions. In this session you will learn how to write durable functions, and patterns and practices to write simple or complex […]

Future Tech 2019: Dave Smits – MR meets AI

De Hololens maakt hele nieuwe ervaringen mogelijk die eerst niet mogelijk waren. Ondertussen neemt ook AI een vlucht en worden apps steeds slimmer. Wanneer je deze twee combineert krijg een hele krachtige combinatie. In deze sessie kijken we naar de mogelijkheden die deze combinatie maakt, en niet alleen naar wat er mogelijk is maar ook […]

Future Tech 2019: Eduardo Leegwater Simões – Self Sovereign Identity

Identity models on the internet have come a long way since usernames and passwords. In this session I give an overview of how these models have advanced, and what problems they tackled at the time, using them as a springing board to discuss a new model – Self-Sovereign Identity – focusing on privacy and complete […]

Future Tech 2019: Edwin van Wijk – Building IoT solutions using Azure IoT Edge

Azure IoT Edge is a service that enables you to build distributed IoT solutions that leverage “edge” devices. The IoT Edge runtime uses the power of containerization with Docker to run Machine Learning jobs, Stream Analytics jobs, Azure functions or custom code on edge devices like a PC, a Raspberry Pi, a robot or a […]