J-Fall 2015

41 Videos

J-Fall 2015 Speaker Rene Boere, Pascal Snippen & Arjen Wassink – Continuous Delivery

Deze sessie is een verdieping van de keynote en doet uit de doeken hoe wij ons cluster ingericht hebben, inclusief de technische details. Met live demo’s tonen wij hoe principes en technieken werken. Zo zul je zien hoe wij in staat zijn met Git, Bamboo, Docker en Marathon, geautomatiseerd microservices uit te rollen op ons Mesos […]

J-Fall 2015 Speaker Rene Boere & Pascal Snippen – Pushing the limits of Continuous Delivery

Containers, cloud platformen, Service Discovery en Continuous Delivery zijn technologieën die zich momenteel razendsnel ontwikkelen. We passen allemaal al jaren Continuous Integration gecombineerd met unittesten toe in onze projecten. In deze sessie geeft Quintor haar visie hoe we Continuous Integration de komende jaren zien evolueren naar een Continuous Delivery omgeving op Web-scale formaat, gebruikmakend van […]

J-Fall 2015 Speaker Ernst Naezer & Quinten Krijger – Use Docker to test microservices (ING)

In this session, attendees will learn how to use Docker and Gradle to do full stack testing. The concepts shown are useful for micro services development. At ING we build financial scenario planning software. Using Docker and Docker Compose we develop, test and host our application consisting of multiple containers. This talk focuses on how […]

J-Fall 2015 Speaker Gerke Kok – Identity and Access Management in the 21st century

Java EE applicaties zijn vaak afgeschermd. Iedereen heeft wel eens te maken gehad met identificatie van gebruikers. Het is heel verleidelijk om een simpel tabelletje te maken met username en wachtwoord. Maar dan begint het werk pas. Is het wel veilig? En wat als men het wachtwoord vergeten is? Kunnen we niet met Facebook inloggen? […]

J-Fall 2015 Speaker Rob Brinkman – Turning a ‘82 Westy into a Tesla

Clearly, it’s totally impossible to match the elegance and technology of a Tesla in an almost 25 year old Volkswagen van. Though it would be pretty neat to turn my ‘82 Westy into a more connected car by adding sensors that communicate oil pressure, oil temperature, water level etc. over Wifi using ESP8266 chips to […]

J-Fall 2015 Speaker Arun Gupta – Refactor Java EE application Microservices and Containers

Docker gives PODA or Package Once Deploy Anywhere. It simplifies software delivery by making it easy to build and share images that contain your application code and infrastructure together, managed as onecomponent. Each Docker container is a self-contained microservice that provides isolation, resilience, decoupling, and other benefits. This talk will provide a quick introduction to […]

J-Fall 2015 Speaker Jeroen Borgers – Java 9 Performance

Na de introductie van de ingrijpende wijziging: lambda’s en streams in Java 8, introduceert Java 9 de modulaire JDK (Jigsaw) en een groot aantal minder ingrijpende verbeteringen. Dit kunnen we binnenkort al gaan zien, want de planning is: Feature Complete in december van dit jaar. In productie nemen zal langer duren: General Availability is in […]

J-Fall 2015 Speaker Marc Evers, Rob Westgeest & Willem vd Ende – Property Based Testing, By Example

Most unit/integration testing as we know it is example-based: we describe examples of how the code under test behaves in our favourite testing framework. Property based testing is a new and promising approach to automated unit testing. It is very different from example-based approaches: in property based testing, you don’t write examples but you describe […]

J-Fall 2015 Speaker Jakub Marchwicki – What is code?

That sounds like an easy-to-answer question. A set of Java / Ruby / C# / Scala / Whatever tokens you mashup together everyday to get the business happy, right? If you are in the business long enough you know there are rules, there are means to keep you code clear, nice, readable. You know to […]

J-Fall 2015 Speaker Bert Ertman – Microservices for Mortals

Microservices is the new popular kid on the block. Crowd pleaser at many conferences. With popular poster children such as Netflix and Amazon it seems to be the killer approach to 21st century architectures, right? But is this stuff only for Hollywood Coders pioneering on the bleeding edge of our profession? Or is this stuff […]