J-Fall 2017

39 Videos

J-Fall 2017 Speaker Mark Heckler – Going Reactive with Spring 5 & Project Reactor

Spring 5 is here! One of the most exciting introductions in this release is support for reactive programming, building on Project Reactor to support message-driven, elastic, resilient, and responsive services. Spring 5 integrates an MVC-like component model adapted to support reactive processing and a new type of web endpoint, functional reactive endpoints. In this talk, […]

J-Fall 2017 Speaker Peter Hendriks – VR/AR and Java: developing the J-Fall VR app

Virtual Reality en Augmented Reality zijn al jarenlang grote beloftes in de techwereld. Het klinkt wellicht als toekomstmuziek, maar dat is al lang niet meer het geval! Dit is het moment om als Java developer bekend te worden met de oneindige mogelijkheden van VR en AR. Het mooie is: developen voor VR en AR is […]

J-Fall 2017 Speaker Oleg Šelajev – Performance pipeline and Java performance tools

This session describes the performance pipeline, a concept of mapping performance related work and activities towards the stages of a software delivery pipeline. The main idea behind the performance pipeline is being aware of the performance of your application and taking steps not to introduce performance regressions is a continuous process. We’ll list and explore […]

J-Fall 2017 Speaker Rhodé Reuijl-Zwijnenburg – What can be done with Blockchain and Smart Contracts?

There is much to do about Blockchain these days. It may be the biggest technological innovation since the internet. Some say it is the solution to ‘almost everything’: the solution to corruption, the solution to be able to vote safely, anonymously and online, the solution for improperly spent money addressed to development aid and so […]

J-Fall 2017 Speaker Guy Rombaut – From Monolithic to SoC: Architecture & Teams

In this talk, I will discuss the evolution of frontend architecture – from monolith software which consist of backend and front end together (e.g. PHP generating JS/HTML), to separation of concerns (use of APIs, micro services etc). In addition, I will discuss about how different type of architectures and patterns can match to the growth […]

J-Fall 2017 Speaker Rudy de Busscher – Getting started with Java EE Security API

This session starts with a short overview of the concepts which are defined within the new Java EE Security API (JSR-375) Once we all know what we are talking about, some example applications will be shown to illustrate these concepts. They will use a variety of external systems (like a database, LDAP server, Google OAuth2, […]

J-Fall 2017 Speaker Steve Poole – Java in the 21st Century: are you thinking far enough ahead?

It is all change in the Java arena. Java 9 ships with the long awaited modularity support. Oracle plans to contribute Java EE to the Eclipse Foundation and to top it all, IBM announces both Open Liberty (based on its flagship application server ) and OpenJ9 it’s enterprise proven Java Virtual Machine. In this talk […]

J-Fall 2017 Speaker Heinz Kabutz – Safely Shoot Yourself in the Foot with Java 9

So what work do you do?” “Um, computers.” “Oh nice, what exactly?” “Well, I code Java”. And then: “Actually, I have a question about that. My PC says I must update Java …” Two decades ago, the world gasped as an applet moved pixels on a web page. Dynamic content on the World Wide Wait! […]

J-Fall 2017 Speaker Heather VanCura – Panel session with Java Experts – How to Grow Your Career

This session includes advice on how developers can manage their careers and create opportunities for further advancement by participating in collaborative activities such as open-source development projects and participation the Java Community Process and adoption efforts. In this session you will learn practical advice derived from our collective years of experience working with the Java […]

J-Fall 2017 Jeroen Borgers – New Java performance developments: Compilation and Garbage Collection

Java kent sinds het begin JIT-compilatie die gebruik maakt van profiling tijdens runtime. Client en server compiler zijn inmiddels gecombineerd in Tiered Compilation met behoud van voordelen van beide. Nu is er met Java 9 experimenteel AOT-compilatie bijgekomen: Ahead Of Time. Dit geeft nieuwe mogelijkheden qua performance met name tijdens opstarten en opwarmen van applicaties. […]