J-Fall 2018

55 Videos

J-Fall 2018: Wouter Oet – Real team performance @ the Rabobank

Bringing business value to production can be hindered by many factors. From bad tooling & bad deployment environments to slow development cycles. In this talk I’ll show you the 3 factors you need to get right to have real team performance and bring business value fast. This is all based on our own experience at […]

J-Fall 2018: Brian Benz – Perfecting reliable code delivery for the cloud with Microservices and OpenTracing

In this code-heavy, interactive presentation, we’ll describe how to use OpenTracing (http://opentracing.io/) with Jaeger (https://www.jaegertracing.io/) and annotations in MicroProfile and other Microservice architectures to reliably improve and deploy updated versions your applications to VMs and Kubernetes in the cloud. Topics include best practices for performance analysis, maintaining delivery pipelines using the Linux command line, plus […]

J-Fall 2018: Kenny Baas-Schwegler & João Rosa – From EventStorming to CoDDDing

To really understand what our users need so that we can build the right thing, we want to have a first-hand experience of ‘real-life stories’ before we model and create our software. To quote Alberto Brandolini “it is not the domain expert’s knowledge that goes into production, it is the developer’s assumption of that knowledge […]

Aftermovie J-Fall 2018

On Thursday November 8, 2018 the NLJUG (Dutch Java User Group) organized the biggest Java conference of the Netherlands in the Pathe cinema at Ede. With over 1,500 Java developers, more than 50 technical sessions and 60+ speakers, J-Fall 2018 was truly awesome! See you next year at J-Fall 2019!

J-Fall 2018: NLJUG Innovation Award – YOLT

Yolt is door een vakjury van experts gekozen tot de winnaar van de NLJUG Innovation Award 2018. De NLJUG, deed deze onthulling tijdens de openingsceremonie van J-Fall, een event voor 1500 software engineers. Yolt is een applicatie die gebruikers in staat stelt om eenvoudig hun persoonlijke financiën te managen, door betaal- en spaarrekeningen, credit cards, […]