J-Spring 201922 Videos

J-Spring 2019: Adam Bien – Kickass Apps with Boring Tech: Interactive Hacking #Slideless

What happens, when you focus on the domain and ignore the technology? In this session I will hack a full stack application from microservice backend to WebStandards frontend without any esoteric frameworks, technologies or libraries. Questions are highly welcome and are going to be answered in real time. Bio Adam Adam Bien: Java (EE), Jakarta […]

J-Spring 2019: Onno Schellekens & Barry Lagerweij – Keynote: Can we use mobile technology to leapfrog universal health for developing countries?

Mobile technology is changing the world at a speed nobody can imagine. Industrial activities are being revolutionized. There is a real opportunity to use mobile technology to leapfrog healthcare in developing countries. Bio Onno Onno Schellekens is voorzitter van het Joep Lange Instituut en algemeen directeur van PharmAccess. Hij is medeoprichter van het Investment Fund […]

J-Spring 2019: Katherine Stanley – An introduction to Apache Kafka – this is Event Streaming, not just Messaging

The amount of data the world produces is growing exponentially every year and many companies are realising the potential of harnessing this data. A lot of this is generated in the form of a never ending stream of events, with publishers creating the events and subscribers consuming them in many different ways. This is where […]

J-Spring 2019: Brian Vermeer & Paulien van Alst – My Kotlin is better than your Java

TLDR: The big discussion: Kotlin or Java, to migrate or not to migrate and why… The world of languages on the JVM has seen alternatives to Java come and go. Kotlin is probably the most popular one at this moment. Although Java is still one of the most commonly used programming languages, Kotlin seems to […]

J-Spring 2019: Burr Sutter – Supersonic, Subatomic Java with Quarkus

Introducing Quarkus.io. The rise in popularity of the Linux® container as the primary way to package your application seemed like a simple change on the surface. Yet, as we saw with the Java Docker Fail problem, it was not a transition completely without challenges for the Java™ community. Furthermore, we have now seen a number […]

J-Spring 2019: Jan Ouwens – Java from a Parallel universe

Do you get excited about Java when you’re at a conference, learning about cool new features and tools to try? Do you get sad the next day, when you’re back at work building enterprise applications in an ancient version of Java? You’re not alone. In this talk, we will explore what Java looks like in […]

J-Spring 2019: Maarten Smeets – Performance of Microservices on different JVMs

A lot is happening in the world of JVMs. Oracle changed its support policy roadmap for the Oracle JDK. GraalVM has been open sourced by Oracle. AdoptOpenJDK provides binaries and is supported by (among others) Azul Systems, IBM and Microsoft. Large software vendors provide their own supported OpenJDK distributions such as Amazon (Coretto), RedHat and […]

J-Spring 2019: Bert Ertman – Are We Really Cloud-Native?

As Java developers we are used to adjusting ourselves in heterogeneous environments and so over the last ten years or so we gained experience with PaaS, VMs, Containers, DevOps, Continuous Integration and Microservices Architectures. Now a new phenomenon arises: building greenfield applications with the intent of using agile application development and architecting specifically for the […]

J-Spring 2019: Sven Peters – Less Process, more Autonomy with a Team Playbook

Teams are different, projects are different, problems are different. Why are we still trying to squeeze teamwork into department processes, adding bureaucracy, and having organizational layers that makes it harder and much slower to get work done? Join Sven Peters, former lead evangelist at Atlassian now K15t, as he talks about creating a Team Playbook […]

J-Spring 2019: Emond Papegaaij – Oauth2 demystified

Almost every developer will have to face this at some point in his or her career: authorization with OAuth2. It doesn’t matter if you build mobile apps, web applications or even develop for embedded systems in the IoT, everybody seems to use OAuth2 nowadays. But how does this protocol work and what’s up with all […]