TEQnation 202122 Videos

TEQnation 2021 – Bouke Nijhuis – The art of bug fixing

Every developer has to fix bugs, but hardly anyone talks about it. Creating greenfield applications is cool, but would it not be more beneficial for you to learn something you will do more often? I think every developer would benefit from sharpening this skill. In this talk I will show you what I have learned […]

TEQnation 2021 – Lisa Noorlander & Ramon Ankersmit – AI, How do we deal with it?

In the present age of information technology, many data processing machines govern our daily lives: from servers that keep records of our financial transactions to mobile phones that track our voices and locations. Every day these machines become more independent and intelligent. Using artificial intelligence techniques, organisations and governments can lighten their employees’ workloads, find […]

TEQnation 2021 – Piet van Dongen – What is resilience engineering?

The coronavirus pandemic has taught us developers two things: 1) all online systems will fail eventually and 2) they will fail in unpredictable ways. But have no fear, resilience engineering is here! Building and maintaining event-driven, highly scalable and quickly adaptable systems are a pain in the neck. Resilience engineering embraces this complexity and helps […]