TEQnation 202317 Videos

TEQnation 2023: WebAssembly beyond the browser – Wietse Venema

WebAssembly (Wasm) is a technology that allows you to compile code written in over 40 programming languages and run it in a secure and performant way in web browsers. The WebAssembly System Interface (WASI) has expanded the capabilities of Wasm by enabling it to run outside the web browser, in environments such as server-side applications, […]

TEQnation Conference 2023 Teaser

To give you a sneak peek of the developer conference of tomorrow, check out this video! Show your love for TEQnation on May 17th at DeFabrique in Utrecht. Get your ticket right now, and for the time being the early bird tickets are still available so grab your€50-, discount while you still can! Buy your […]