Methodology & Culture39 Videos

J-Spring 2019: Peter Hilton – Why you should care about code style and what you should care about

Coding style matters, but not only in the way you think. Programmers famously waste time arguing indentation styles, while whole teams lack a consistent vision for their code style, and consistent code. This talk highlights what really matters, and what you need to learn to write code with vision and style. Attendees will learn about […]

J-Fall 2018: Joost Lobbes – Rabo Online Banking – How Technology is changing an entire industry

Banks have transferred into Tech companies that are facing a new era, in which their business models will be completely changed by the opportunities that technology is now giving them. Instead of competing with each other, new competition is coming from FinTechs and BigTechs. Innovative products and customer experience are key in order to survive. […]

Future Tech 2019: Thomas de Klerk & Tom Kosse – High Performance Teams: De vijf kenmerken van een succesvol team

Please excuse us for the audio quality. There was a malfunction with the microphones. Als organisatie wil je succesvolle effectieve teams om verschillende redenen. Uiteraard leveren succesvolle teams kwalitatief werk en zijn ze productief. Aan de andere kant levert het teamleden een prettige werkomgeving waarin je kan excelleren. Binnen Google is er uitgebreid onderzoek gedaan […]

J-Fall 2016 Speaker Mark Heckler – This stuff is cool, but HOW CAN I GET MY COMPANY TO DO IT?

Cloud Native, containers, DevOps, microservices, and more: we go to conferences and get excited about the potential of so many things that could revolutionize our development and change our organizational and professional lives! And then, we go home…and hit the wall. If you’ve ever asked yourself, “This stuff is cool, but HOW CAN I GET […]

J-Spring 2019: Michel Schudel – Cryptography 101 for Java developers

So you’re logging in to your favorite crypto currency exchange over https using a username and password, executing some transactions, and you’re not at all surprised that, security wise, everything’s hunky dory… Ever wondered about the amount of cryptography begin used here? No? Let’s dive into the key concepts of cryptography then, and see how […]

J-Fall 2018: Bas Passon, Bram Starmans-van den Hout & Ole van Boeckel – Architectuur in haar context

Wat moeten Java-ontwikkelaars met een abstract begrip als architectuur? Dat hangt uiteraard af van de definitie. In een prikkelend gesprek nemen drie medewerkers je mee in de architectuurkeuzes de Belastingdienst maakt om haar Java-applicaties sneller en robuuster te kunnen ontwikkelen en beheren. In deze sessie hopen we inzicht te geven dat architectuur ons dagelijks werk […]

TEQnation 2019: Aino Andriessen – The evolution of a Delivery Pipeline at scale

Note: Please excuse us for the audio quality. At the Dutch Tax Office we’re developing a few hundred applications to collect taxes, to support customs, and to payout allowances. The social impact and the political aspects are major concerns on how we organize our processes. We’re currently in the middle of a journey implementing CICD […]

J-Fall 2017 Speaker Roy van Rijn – Fostering an evolving architecture in the agile world

What is software architecture? Is it the decision to adopt microservices? Is it the document that describes the layers in your Java EE application? No, every line of code you commit is part of your evolving architecture. During this talk I’ll explain how we, at the Port of Rotterdam, manage our software architecture in an […]

J-Spring 2019: Onno Schellekens & Barry Lagerweij – Keynote: Can we use mobile technology to leapfrog universal health for developing countries?

Mobile technology is changing the world at a speed nobody can imagine. Industrial activities are being revolutionized. There is a real opportunity to use mobile technology to leapfrog healthcare in developing countries. Bio Onno Onno Schellekens is voorzitter van het Joep Lange Instituut en algemeen directeur van PharmAccess. Hij is medeoprichter van het Investment Fund […]

J-Fall 2018: Bram Starmans-van den Hout – Craftsmanship unraveled

Why does the word craftsmanship seems to me like the magic answer to almost all software-related non-technical challenges? Let’s dive into concepts like professionality, loyalty and responsibility. Where does one end and the other begin? What makes a professional Java-developer? Bram Starmans-van den Hout I work as a Java-architect at the Belastingdienst (Dutch Tax Authorities). […]