J-Spring 2019: Peter Hilton – Why you should care about code style and what you should care about

In this video

Coding style matters, but not only in the way you think. Programmers famously waste time arguing indentation styles, while whole teams lack a consistent vision for their code style, and consistent code. This talk highlights what really matters, and what you need to learn to write code with vision and style. Attendees will learn about how things like formatting, writing idiomatic code, naming, and coding paradigms affect code style. You’ll also learn about concrete approaches to developing a team coding style, including code review, style guides, and automation. Good coding style matters, and is the key to team productivity and code longevity.

Bio Peter

Peter Hilton is a software developer, writer, speaker, trainer, and musician. Peter’s professional interests are business process management, web application development, functional design, agile software development and documentation. Peter currently consults as a product manager for Signavio in Berlin, and delivers the occasional presentation and workshop. Peter’s software development interests include process management, web applications, service architecture, software development methodology and practices, and web-based collaboration. Peter has presented at numerous European developer conferences, co-authored ‘Play for Scala’ (Manning Publications), and has taught ‘Fast Track to Play with Scala’.

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