Frontmania 2022: Horacio Herrera – Build UI More Confident Using Component Testing

What if we can test UI components fast enough and as close as our users will use/see them? This is what component testing helps us to do. UI testing is very important. In many projects we use a “fake” environment to test rendering and user behavior on our apps. This is great to decrease the overall time in which tests runs, but at what cost? Wouldn’t we be testing components in a **real environment** to make sure our users don’t suffer from broken apps and features? Component testing means testing in real browser, but not based on a URL (that’s E2E). Component testing means _real events_. Component testing means stop hacking around weird workarounds to reproduce user interactions. Component testing means **total confidence** in your UI. In this talk, I will show you how we can increase the confidence of our code by testing UI in a **real browser**, making sure we are delivering high-quality experiences to our users. We will cover: – What is component testing? – What are the main benefits? – Why should I care about Component testing? – How can I get started – a little refator demo

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