J-Fall 2018: Vincent Oostindië – Keynote: Cloud Foundry at Rabobank after 10 months of real use

Since January 1st this year Rabobank has put Pivotal Cloud Foundry in place as the to-be replacement of Rabobank’s Online Platform. Additionally, it’s positioned as “the” microservices platform within Rabobank as a whole. In the public cloud, by the way. Why did we select Cloud Foundry? What does this mean for developers? How are we migrating its Online Platform architecture from “traditional WebSphere” to PCF? What did we learn after having PCF in production for almost a year now? What went well? What didn’t? I’d like to tell you about Rabobank’s experiences with Cloud Foundry and building microservices thus far, both good and bad.

Vincent Oostindië

Vincent Oostindië is business architect at Rabobank for the Online department, which consists of about 30 DevOps teams. Vincent is responsible for the overall architecture of the Online channels, like the public websites, the secure websites, and the app. Vincent has been working at Rabobank since 2010, always at the Online department. Coming in a Java developer/architect, he transitioned from there to team lead, to solution architect and product owner, to platform architect, to business architect today.


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