J-Fall 2022: Julien Lengrand-Lambert -A gentle introduction to iPad driven development using Gitpod

Many of us still develop our applications mainly locally on our laptop. And still, we use remote CI/CD, remote test environments, and even temporary deployment branches. So why not go one step further and develop fully in the cloud? In this session, we’ll see how this becomes possible using Gitpod. We’ll dive into how to use cloud environments while keeping the power of our local development experience available. After all, which one of us didn’t go crazy waiting for the dreaded mvn clean install on a spotty, slow connection? Have you never spotted a bug in a library only and really wanted to report it but just didn’t do it because you didn’t have the energy to setup your local environment to create a reproduceable example? By the end of the talk, you’ll see how we can easily, quickly and efficiently solve all those problems using a free tool accessible to all of us.

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