J-Fall 2022: Maurício Aniche – Effective Developer Testing: taking it to the next level

We all know by now how to write automated tests. But can we get better at it? For example, how can we make sure we go beyond “happy path testing” and create really strong test suites? Is code coverage a bad metric we should ignore, or can it actually help us? Should we go for unit or integration tests? Or are E2E tests much better for more complex systems? Is TDD really a must? Or can we design testable systems without it? Of course, the typical developer’s answer is “it depends”. But even though there is not always a clear answer, we’ll answer as many as possible within 50 minutes. In this talk, I’ll dive into what it takes to take developer testing to a whole new level based on lessons learned while trying to write good tests as a developer, as well as when trying to educate 500 TU Delft computer scientists on the art of software testing every year.

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