J-Spring 2022: Sam Hepburn – Community hacks to enhance your career

https://jspring.nl https://nljug.org Do you feel it’s no longer enough to just be a great developer. Does advancing your career mean you have to be blogging, speaking at conferences, engaging on social media, committing to open source and other things distracting you from actually building software? You’ll do well to ensure that the people making decisions about your career are hearing and seeing your name and associate it with progress and other cool and positive things (and truth is they probably aren’t looking at your code). In this session we’ll explore some of the best practices that assist in not having to do it all from scratch. Knowing what you are doing can easily give you an easier path to visible contributions to the community, learning cool new technologies, educating yourself and others. And even if you’re not after the social fame, your team will notice too. Which is what we wanted!

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