TEQnation 2024: Lightning talks

Makan Sepehrifar – Obeya, A change of Leadership Mindset In today’s dynamic organizational landscape, the quest for maximum alignment among teams and the pursuit of tangible common goals stand as critical objectives. Rooted in the Japanese concept of collaboration and transparency, Obeya emerges as a compelling methodology to achieve these aspirations. This talk explores the concept of Obeya, the principles behind it, and its impact on guardrailing synergy and unity across diverse teams. By dissecting its core principles, we uncover how Obeya empowers teams to synchronize efforts, mitigate misalignments, and project a clear trajectory toward common objectives. Peter Schuler – Botching up your git branches and unbotching them Want to learn how a ancient Greek general saved my work? Did you ever mess up your git branches in a very bad way? Do you enjoy learning from some one else mistake? Well I managed to mishandle them in a terrible way. I will share with you just how I did it, what I tried, how I failed and finally how I unbotched the botch-up. Time to untie the Gordian knot! Anuradha Kumari – Unleashing the Power of Developer Tools for Web Accessibility Testing When it comes to testing for accessibility of our web apps, most of us would have used Chrome Lighthouse to generate a report and use the results to improve the accessibility of our web apps. However, that is not the only way to test for accessibility, and those tests can only detect a subset of issues. Do you know, there are many other ways in which we can test for accessibility using those same dev tools? In this talk, we will delve beyond the conventional use of Chrome Lighthouse and uncover several alternative methods within the developer tools to test web accessibility. We will explore techniques such as inspecting the accessibility tree, gaining insights into ARIA attributes, emulating various vision disabilities, and more. So, join me in this session, where we will unlock the potential of dev tools to unveil a diverse range of accessibility issues. Let’s all learn together and improve how we test for web accessibility, and make the web inclusive for all our users.

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