Future Tech

112 Videos

Future Tech 2021: Håkan Silfvernagel – Machine learning in the browser using TensorFlow.js

In order to start out with machine learning you typically would need to learn Python, Tensorflow, Jupyter Notebook etc. But what if you could run your machine learning straight in the browser. This can be done through Tensorflow.js. In this session you will get an introduction so that you can use it in your own […]

Future Tech 2021: Johnny Hooyberghs – Microsoft Q# and Azure Quantum

You’ve probably heard about quantum computing, but it still remains a mystery? In this deep-dive session, specifically targeted to software developers, I will explain important concepts like qubits, superposition, and entanglement. Theoretical knowledge about quantum physics, quantum circuits, quantum gates, and quantum algorithms will be combined with examples using the Microsoft Quantum Developer Kit and […]

Future Tech 2021: Luca Bolognese – Introduction to Functional Programming in F#

We are going to look at the fundamental concepts in functional programming by transforming a snippet of code from imperative to functional. We will use F# as our chosen programming language, but also see how the same concepts apply in C, Powershell, C# and others.”

Future Tech 2021: Michaël Hompus – Achievement unlocked: use .NET to unlock Xbox achievements

While playing the movie trivia game “Scene It?” [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scene_It%3F] on my Xbox 360 back in 2007, I had the feeling that with a camera, computer, and some software, it should be much easier to get the correct answers to the questions in the game. But where to start? Fast forward to today: Now I have lots […]

Future Tech 2021: Richard Campbell – The Next Decade of Software Development

It’s 2021 – and after a very odd year, we’re still in a new decade! How will software development evolve in the 2020s? Join Richard Campbell as he explores the landscape of technology that will have a huge impact on development over the next ten years. How will the pandemic change things? What new devices […]

Future Tech 2021: Roelant Dieben & Michiel Hamers – The Power of Automation

As a .NET software developer we are constantly broadening our horizon with the exciting new features that are added to the .NET framework and its extended family. Sometimes new techniques come along that can potentially change everything. The Microsoft Power Platform could be such a game-changer, but should we fear this development, or should we […]

Future Tech 2021: Vincent Hendriks – Containerization is improving your dev experience!

Docker has changed IT by making it a lot easier to ship your products, but what about the development experience? In this session i will talk about what containerization can do for the developer itself, teams and organizations. It’s not just about shipping products themselves. Topics I will be talking about are containerized dev environments […]