Future Tech 2024: Lights, camera, action! Building distributed applications – Marc Duiker

Unfortunately, we were unable to change the problems with the sound during the complete session due to technical difficulties. We apologize for any inconvenience. The Actor Model has been around since 1973(!), but what can it do for you, and what are some common use cases today? In this session, I’ll cover how Dapr, a framework to build distributed applications, supports the Actor Model and show how you can write small self-contained units (Actors) that are very useful in distributed and concurrent systems. Features I’ll cover include; state management, timers, reminders, and actor-to-actor communication. I’ll provide code samples (in C#) and give live demos for these features in an IoT context, featuring a fictive evil corporation that wants to increase their employee productivity using smart alarm clocks. By the end of the session, you’ll have a good understanding of Dapr Actors and can start using them in your solutions.

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