J-Fall 2022: Ignite Sessions

Sander Kooijmans – Write unit tests without mocks using Test Data Builders In this ignite session Sander explains how you can write unit tests that use an in-memory database per test case. Instead of using mocks to setup the data in the database Test Data Builders are used to create data in the database. David Stibbe – Manage your knowledge What is knowledge management, what is it good for and how can it change your life? Guus de Wit – 5 ways how solving Rubik’s cubes can make you a better software developer Rubik’s cubes: intimidating to many, irresistible to some, but intriguing to anyone. You’ve probably experienced that solving one is not so easy. But, not only is this a fun and challenging exercise, there are actually lessons to be learned from the magic cube that can make you a better software developer. In this talk I will provide some of these insights, a couple of pitfalls and hopefully won’t damage any cubes in the meantime. Bart van Wezel – From Big Business to Scale-Up I will discuss the transition from a big business and a scale-up and how it affected my daily work as a developer. Besides, many things might be more alike than you would think! Beppe Catanese – The art of blogging (and swearing) Writing technical blogs is hard, yet developers feel they have to share their experience and knowledge. So let’s look at some pragmatic ideas that will get you typing. I am not talking about the usual guidelines shared since the time of the Flintstones but about some practical examples and tips that can help develop the context and focus on who we write for and why. It works for me, will it work for you? Jorrik Klijnsma – Who is Jason Keays? How to talk about technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders “Who is Jason Keays and why do I never see him?” This question was asked in a meeting where we referenced a lot of keys in JSON files on the project. When you have to work with people with no technical background, it can bring some challenges along the way. Things that are familiar to you could be gibberish for others. Using a real-world example, this talk gives you an insight into how you could descend to the non-technical world and cooperate without having to write a dictionary for every stakeholder. Laurens Leeuwis – Serverless Kotlin in seconds with Kotless Kotless is a tool which makes deploying Kotlin as a serverless AWS lambda function very easy. Join this talk to see how a scheduled call to a weather API can notify you to start your day prepared. All in the free tier.

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