J-Fall 2016

37 Videos

J-Fall 2016 Speaker James Strachan – Develop faster with an open source microservices platform

These days time to value is critical. We all need to develop better software and to get it to customers faster. The quicker the software gets to customers, the more iterations and feedback then the more value we create. Continuous Delivery of Containerized Microservices is the best approach today for developing better software and iterating […]

J-Fall 2016 Speaker James Weaver & Sandhya Kapoor – Cognitive Computing Exposed!

The terms “machine learning” and “cognitive computing” are increasingly bandied about in corporate settings and cocktail parties, but what are they, really? In this session we’ll answer that question, providing an approachable overview of relevant concepts, technologies, and use cases. We’ll then take a deeper dive into machine learning topics such as supervised learning, unsupervised […]

J-Fall 2016 Speaker Bert Ertman & Willem Dekker – The Fallacies of Distributed Computing

Modern Software Architectures increasingly rely on the network for parts of applications to communicate with each other. In the minds of many software developers the network will never fail. But when L Peter Deutsch wrote the “Fallacies of Distributed Computing” paper back in 1994, he was probably never more right than today. One of the […]

J-Fall 2016 Speaker Peter Hilton – Documentation avoidance for developers

However good your code, other people never seem to get it. Instead they ruin your day (and your productivity) by asking questions and expecting documentation. You need to know how to explain code without getting stuck in meetings or spending half your time on the only thing you hate more than meetings: writing documentation. Instead, […]

J-Fall 2016 Speaker Alexander Chatzizacharias & Erik Pronk – Developing VR apps in Java

Virtual reality is one of the most discussed emerging technologies of the past years. Especially in 2016, which marked the release of the first consumer VR headsets. Game developers all over the world are making awesome games for VR and companies are searching for cool new solutions using VR. Arguably the most used VR platform […]

J-Fall 2016 Speaker Gaurav Chopra – API: A Disruptive New Technology

Application Programming Interfaces (API’s) are fast evolving and becoming the new channel to enhance business. Organizations cutting across business lines are in the process of adopting API’s in their day-to-day business, to ensure they are able to quickly provide innovative products and services in a secured eco-system. API’s are the key to bring business at […]

J-Fall 2016 Speaker Rik van de Ven – A/B testing in the secure banking environment of ING

This talk will introduce ING’s Experiments API. Most A/B testing solutions don’t really fit a secure banking environment. There are also some problems in tools manipulating applications without the applications owners in a DevOps world. ING needed a solution for doing A/B tests in a DevOps world without introducing security risks. We have developed our […]

J-Fall 2016 Speaker Pieter van Dorst – GraphQL, het nieuwe REST

Hoe zorg je ervoor dat je met één rest API kunt voldoen aan de databehoeften van verschillende applicaties zonder óf een wirwar van endpoints te creëren óf iedere applicatie talloze calls te laten doen? En hoe ga je binnen je API om met de constant veranderende databehoeften van frontend applicaties van vandaag de dag? Het […]

J-Fall 2016 Speaker Mark Heckler – This stuff is cool, but HOW CAN I GET MY COMPANY TO DO IT?

Cloud Native, containers, DevOps, microservices, and more: we go to conferences and get excited about the potential of so many things that could revolutionize our development and change our organizational and professional lives! And then, we go home…and hit the wall. If you’ve ever asked yourself, “This stuff is cool, but HOW CAN I GET […]

J-Fall 2016 Speaker David Delabassee – Java EE Next

Cloud, Containerization, Microservices Architecture, Serverless Architecture, Reactive programming, HTTP/2, NoSQL… many paradigms that will impact, partly or greatly, the way we develop and deploy server-side applications in the years to come. Should the Java EE Platform try to address all those paradigms? Or should we just keep calm, carry on and avoid falling in the […]