Frontmania ’23 – Albert Groothedde – Building a JavaScript Client for smart contracts

At Kadena, and in particular the Developer Experience team, our goal is to ensure that your experience with the Kadena Blockchain is as smooth as possible. To achieve this, we have developed a library that can generate interfaces directly from Smart Contracts on the Blockchain. This library is designed to simplify the process of integrating smart contracts into your decentralized applications (dApps). During this talk, we will delve deep into the process of building a parser and generating code that understands the Smart Contract. We will also cover topics such as function signatures and the necessary guards that need to be signed. Why have we chosen to generate only type definitions rather than runtime code? How to parse code and convert it into an interface that can be called from JavaScript? Join us as we uncover the secrets behind the flexibility, adaptability, and seamless integration of @kadena/client with the blockchain. Whether you are a blockchain enthusiast or a frontend developer eager to explore new possibilities, this presentation will provide you with insights into the principles of retrieving data from the blockchain.

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