TEQnation 2024: How to write maintainable code in a large organisation – Ragna Gerretsen

What if you’re working in a large organisation, doing the same thing but separately? How can you work together to become an efficient organisation? Within Rabobank we have many departments who try to solve this problem, from re-usable pipeline templates to IT4T teams. But what about reusing code? We all want to be autonomous and be masters of our own code however this comes at a cost: code duplication. In this presentation I will start with sharing some of the low hanging fruit to remove duplication and will end with how to efficiently work together to reduce duplication. I will demonstrate the use of these concepts in a Java-based Spring Boot application in a microservices architecture and provide some examples of best practices and potential pitfalls. By the end of this presentation, you will have a better understanding of how to leverage each of these concepts to simplify and improve your development process across your organisation. Most importantly you will learn how to reduce your code and find the right abstraction, in turn creating happy developers.

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