J-Fall 2018: Shashi Ranjan Kumar & Nilesh Saurabh – Amplifying Test Automation using REST Assured

Rest assured is a java library used specifically for component level testing of the REST services (java or any other). We have enhanced the basic REST assured framework to incorporate components integration testing which has been further integrated within CICD pipeline as well. There were around 100 integration test cases in our project including 17 components and 40 rest services which used to take us around 20-25 days to complete manually. But Rest assured as a boon helped us to complete within 2 hours which is minimum 10 to 20 times faster than any other tool we tried.

Shashi Ranjan Kumar

Shashi Ranjan Kumar is a development engineer at Tata Consultancy Services and working for ABN-AMRO Bank in the Netherlands. His focus is on Java, Spring ecosystem. He has ten years of working experience with Information technology & specially in Banking domain.

Nilesh Saurabh

Nilesh Saurabh is working with TCS-ABN AMRO as Test Automation and Performance Test Engineer . His focus is on Java, VB Scripting, R Language. He has four years of working experience with Information technology.

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